

Summer is Coming to Ireland

Not a translation of the Irish "Tá an Samhradh ag Sileadh a Shéada," which means "Summer is shedding its jewels." When I heard this song first, over an amplification system, I thought the man was singing "Tá an Samhradh ag Filleadh go hÉirinn," which means "Summer is Returning to Ireland," so this is the idea that is captured in the present offering, as we emerge from the Bailout and Martin O'Neill, with Roy Keane, take over management of the Irish Soccer Team. The verse is shortened from the Irish song and chorus dropped, forcing an adaptation of the tune, but the recurrent reference to Angela Merkel reminds us that it is with some scepticism we look to the brighter future.

Summer is coming to Ireland,

After the Winter grey.

Now we are up on our feet,

Raising a cheer for Angulla Merkel.

Verdant hills of Ireland

Bathed in warm sunshine;

Happy fields of cattle and sheep,

Now Summer is coming to Ireland.


Keano has come back to Ireland,

Along with the chief O’Neill.

Now we are up on our feet,

Raising a cheer for Angulla Merkel.

Vibrant youth of Ireland

Out in the fields at play;

Comely maidens dancing a jig,

Now Summer is coming to Ireland.


We march with O’Neill in Ireland

Back on the battle-field.

Now we are up on our feet,

Raising a cheer for Angulla Merkel.

Wearing the green for Ireland,

Forgetful of past defeat;

Happy, by dad, in our frugal homes,

Now Summer is coming to Ireland.


Happy days in Ireland,

Since we are free from our chains.

Now we are up on our feet,

Raising a cheer for Angulla Merkel.

Banks now boom in Ireland,

Turning lead into gold;

The Celtic Tiger will be revived,

Now Summer is coming to Ireland.

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