

Here Comes Krunchie

Not a translation from the Irish, but new words to an old tune. This keeps up the tradition where each generation puts new words to old tunes. While the words of most Irish ballads sung today date to the 19th or 20th centuries, the tunes are often thousands of years old.

To the air of An Maidrín Rua, sort of.

Here comes Krunchie,
                Banging on his Bodhrán,
Singing, shouting,
                Songs unheard before.


He bangs and he bangs
And he bangs upon his Bodhrán,
Singing and shouting
Songs unheard before.

He puts music
                On old things and new things,
Singing, shouting,
                Songs unheard before.


He bangs, etc.

 O bedad,
O bedad we hear him,
Singing, shouting,
                Songs unheard before.


He bangs, etc.

Here comes Krunchie,
                Pretending he’s a young thing,
Singing, shouting,
                Songs unheard before.


                He bangs, etc.

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